Big Daddy

A desert playground.
After the logistical gymnastics of booking an affordable family vacation during Namibia high season, we finally arrived in the Namib Desert and felt anxious to explore Sossusvlei National Park. Channeling my Type-A planning tendencies, I already mapped out our route within the park to maximize the early morning light. Everything unfolded according to plan: we flew through the park gates at sunrise, made a beeline to the 2x4 parking lot, then hopped on a shuttle to Deadvlei. Luckily, we deviated from the plan once we arrived.
We intended to take our time exploring the famous dead camel thorn trees of Deadvlei and skip the arduous 325 meter climb up Big Daddy. However, unsure of where to go, we simply followed other tourists. After quite a bit of climbing we realized we already climbed halfway up the tallest dune in the area!
My sister and I decided to finish the climb, sand pushing against us with each step. The top greeted us with stunning panoramic views and a festive vibe with people basking in the sun, snacking, and enjoying themselves. Returning back to the white clay pan requires a run down the dune, which only takes a few minutes compared to the hour and half slog up.
After this unexpected adventure, my sister and I rejoined our parents at our initially intended destination, Deadvlei. We capped off our time with a short climb of Big Mama and a quick stop at Sesrium Canyon. Sossusvlei National Park lived up to its hype as a must-see in Namibia!
Photography by Cybil Zhang